Thursday 15 September 2011

A Few Vital Health Tips for Pregnant Women

The increase in body weight is quite normal and healthy especially during pregnancy. This is like so since the little newcomer in the mother needs essential nutrients, which causes excessive hunger and eating more and thus getting fat. After the child's birth, the mother slowly starts losing the unnecessary weight. As you surely have seen this trend with celebrities, who shrink in days to make a come back on the big screen.
When it comes to housewives, they simply can't afford to spend much on slimming instructors and cooks to prepare the prescribed diet.
Now, ladies often are troubled by the overwhelming thought of reducing in weight in order to fit in their old attires. For such impatient ladies, here are some useful tips based on the real life experiences of some of my family members:
First and foremost, seek the advice of the doctor regarding the type, duration and time of exercise. In normal deliveries, the exercise can be safely started after 4 to 6 weeks. Nevertheless, in the caesarian cases it is better to delay the exercise by about 8-10 weeks. However, there is no harm indulging in routine movements like walking and moving around. In the initial phase, half an hour spent doing pnm exercise is quite sufficient.
Secondly, eat a healthy diet that abounds in folic acid, fibers, vitamins and proteins.
Then, it is beneficial to avoid high fat products like cakes and cookies and even ice creams. Fast food items and junk food should be kept away from oneself as they have high calories and carbohydrates. This, however, does not mean skipping meals to the extent of starving oneself to death, in some cases it may lead to compulsive eating as a reaction.
Fourthly, steamed food items are always healthier to eat than fried food.
Fifthly, increase the intake of water, say 8-10 glasses or even more. Fresh juices are preferable over the preserved ones.
Lastly and most importantly, the mothers breastfeeding their babies not only lose 500 calories per day but also intensify the maternal bond with the child. It keeps the mother and the little naughty healthy and happy. Studies show that mothers who feed their babies are saved from many diseases and their children develop strong resistance towards seasonal changes.
Be focused and stay consistent. With these tips one can achieve the target in a matter of days.
Michael has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest website on Doughnut Machines which reviews and lists the best Mini Doughnut Makers that're worthy of your attention.
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